Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hey everyone! As I said I have started a new endeavor, well a couple actually that go together.....
a website, and a book (and then a charity brunch to top it all off). It all started two years ago with a blog post actually. A blog post on a really bad day, which led to a book, which led to a website.

It has been a journey, and as I see it the journey is just beginning, but I wanted to thank you all for the support you have already shown.

For those of you who have not yet joined, or don't know much about it, the website is for moms, especially with young children. It was designed to give moms a place to go to talk about everything, from things like recipes, to hard things like what makes motherhood hard. I want every mother to feel like she is not alone, and that every mother has struggles, and every mother has talents to share.

So if you haven't already go to and sign up! Then before you post your next blog about the joys or trials of motherhood, remember to also post it over on the forums for the website. Share what you think with the rest of us, as a gift to other mothers, let us know your thoughts.

Also here are two video for you to watch. IF YOU LIKE THEM PLEASE REPOST THEM. Either on your blog or on facebook. If you like the website please tell others about it, either on your blog as a post, or on facebook. If you like the book tell others! Also grab ab button!

President Obamas Grandmothers video:

The song Andi and I wrote:

And the book link

Thanks again for all you have already done! It means the world to me,and if there is ANYTHING I can do for you let me know!

Pics Galore!

Rylan with underwear on his head riding his bike. Of course.

So as most of you know, I have been crazy busy with the Everyday Mother website, and charity brunch, and getting my book up and running. So the blog posts have been few and well let's be honest, non existent. But here are some of our latest memories.
Me and Ty listening to a movie together
Sweet little Ry

A cute headband Angie made me for my birthday Thanks again

Sunday adorableness.

Outside snuggles. There is nothing more beautiful than this!