Saturday, November 1, 2008


Jasmine and the skeleton

Red Power ranger
The Lion.... "Roar"!!!

We spent the night at a friends house eating delicous chili and then did some trick or treating. It surprised us how many houses did not participate in handing out candy. My prediction is before long door to door trick or treating will be a thing of the past. With all the trunk or treats and fall parties, most people just dont want to do the door to door thing. Ashlyn was a little disappointed at first but was fine with it by the end. Jayden went with Brennan running from house to house, and had his bucket and Rylans and completely filled both of them. This shocked me as well as Im sure it will Lynette and Ammon because most Halloweens he is the slow one and we are always waiting on him. But I think they both had a blast. Rylan really enjoyed the root beer after as you can tell from the above picture. It turned out to be a really fun night for all of us. Thanks again Kristy.

1 comment:

Kristy Stoddard said...

You really had to put that one of me up??? Really?? Sorry our neighborhood sucked so bad. Kellie said hers was a lot better this year than last, next year we will have a plan of attack and do all the research we can to get to the best area with the most candy.