As the new birthday tradition I started I followed Ty around with a camera. There were too many to put on here, but enjoy what I decided to put on. Hes been sticking his tongue out all the time. So Funny. He got that from my brother Gerald.
Taking steps.
Rylan told him no when he wanted to play with a toy Rylan had. That always makes him so sad.
OK way too many pictures I know!! These are from Tys birthday party the night before he turned one. Josh was working on his real birthday so we had a party the night before. The balloons are from a party we went to the day before but they worked perfect for this.
He looks like a little tyrannosaurus rex baby.
Love this picture. I thought it be years before I saw this look on his face. Josh would say its from me taking too many pictures.
Hes so excited!
Poor Rylan is sad because Ty opened up his football that Rylan really wanted. Heres Jayden mad because he was the last one to get cake. And heres his face when JOsh said the last person to get cake gets the most.
Heres Tys face when everyone started singing, he couldnt figure out what was going on.