Monday, September 7, 2009

Tooth Fairy

My baby girl has lost her FIRST tooth. Here is a spoiler alert for any one who believes in the tooth fairy should stop reading now. Ashlyn has never really believed in Santa or the tooth fairy. So right before she lost her tooth she asked me who the real tooth fairy was. So I asked her if she wanted the truth, and so not wanting to lie, I told her the truth. She knew the tooth fairy was bringing her one dollar and leaving the tooth since it was her first one. Well the day finally came, it was hanging on by a thread and Josh pulled it out for her. I was so surprised how tiny the tooth was. She put it in a baggie and put it under pillow. The "tooth fairy" she was expecting left her one dollar and left the tooth. She saw the dollar half way through the night, but then when she woke up in the morning there was another dollar and the tooth was gone. She asked Grandpa and he said he didnt do it, I didnt do it and she called Josh at work and he said he didnt do it. The only thing we can figure is that the real tooth fairy came. Seems someone wanted to keep the magic alive. Wonder who that could be...and it wasn't me.

1 comment:

lynette said...

ah, the first of many! i love a toothless smile!