Monday, August 13, 2007

A week of milestones

Well after all the begging for a new post here it is. I decided to give the people what they want. This week is probably a bit of an overload, but I hope you enjoy it anyways.

Pictures we used to update a few frames.

Sleepover pictures

Rylan growing up pictures

Well this week has been busy and full of lots of milestones both for Rylan, and for the rest of us. Rylan has learned to roll over both ways, push up higher on his arms, play with his toys, drink out of a bottle, and had his first cold. Sometimes their growth is in leaps and bounds, and that is for sure the case this week.
Ashlyn and Jayden got to have two sleepovers with their cousin Carson, and they think it is so fun. I also officially signed them up for "school" that starts in a couple weeks. They got to go pick out lunch boxes and backpacks. Ashlyn wants us to put her lunch inside the lunch box everyday.
Josh and I had our 7 year anniversary. Its hard to believe how fast time goes, and it's funny to think back on all the memories we have already shared. For our anniversary we decided to get all new items that we received at our reception since they are all pretty much worn out now. We were thinking that people should throw you a seven year itch party and get all new stuff, but I guess by now people assume your rich enough to buy it yourself. We got new pots and pans, glasses and tupperware.
We also redecorated a lot of our house. Just little touches here and there, took down some pictures and put up ones that have been sitting around forever, and updated old frames, to add pictures of Rylan (and the other pictures of Ashlyn and Jayden were 3 years old.)
So that was our week packed full of fun, hope all of you are doing great as well.


Angel said...

The sleepover sounds like a blast! The anniversary sounds great, too. I definitely need new pots and pans and glasses.
Take care guys!

Ammon said...

Thanks for the post! Love the pics. I want to come and see the new decor! I can't believe how fast Rylan is growing... time to have another! :P

Anonymous said...

Thanks Marie, I very much enjoy these weekly updates. Dad

Anonymous said...

That Jayden smile reminds me a lot of Josh - Do you have a picture of Josh smiling like that?

Anonymous said...

The anonymous comment was mine - these things can be so tricky

the Pearce Place said...

I love it! keep the pictures coming, along with your emails of when you have new posts!

Natalie said...

Well, I'm justing hoping that I was added (or remained) in one of those frames on your wall. :)

The Hollemans said...

Of course Nat, you are the mural in our front room!! the first thing people see when they come in, one of you all dressed up and dancing, you know the one.