Sunday, July 8, 2007

Happy Jourth of Fuly

Hello Again!!! I hope you all enjoyed your 4th of July. Our day was fairly low key, especially considering all the rain we've been having. But the first picture this week is a bi product of that night. Andi and Emily went on a camera spree and the later it got the crazier the pictures and the funnier they all thought they were. This was Josh's first blog request, to have this picture added, so how could I resist? If it were me, I think my request would be the opposite.

Every few weeks I set up the "studio" and see what kind of pictures we can end up with. This week was especially crazy since my batteries gave out on my other camera, and time was running low, before church and before Rylans "happy time ends" but these two pictures pretty much sum up picture taking at our house. Someone is always crying, Jayden is rarely dressed, Josh is usually the hardest one to get to smile, and Ashlyn is posing as always!!! And me behind the camera, which is probably for the best.

But in the end we always end up with at least a few priceless shots. This one is a keeper!

See ya next week! Same bat time, same bat channel.


Natalie said...

Those pictures pretty much sum up the moment before everyone's family photo. The mom is bribing the the kids to smile and sit still, the dad is complaining that there's not enough room to sit, and the chaos ends for just enough time for the photographer to take the picture. But the photos come back and they look as if the family was so happy to be there and they just sat so peacefully for the picture. It's all so worth it though...right?

Ammon said...

Okay, love the pictures! Especially the ones that turned out all wrong! It's nice to know I'm not the only one who has a hard time taking a good picture!

The Youngblood Family said...

Love the pics. The one of Rylan and Josh is priceless. You have such a cute family.