Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Ashlyn

Ashlyn turned 5 this week and to celebrate we had two parties. A friend "enchanted" birthday and a family one. For the enchanted party we took a couple of her friends to see the movie enchanted, then we went to ride the carousel and ate a bucket of princess cookies. At Great American cookie, you can buy a bucket full of cookies and since it was her birthday they gave me a princess cup with snow white on the straw for free. Aunty Em came with to enjoy the festivities and save me from loosing my sanity, so thanks for that. The movie was cute the girls were great and Ashlyn was so happy about all the presents, so thank you.

Even after we told them they didnt have to hold hands anymore Jayden and Maddie continued to hold hands...most the day!!
We hope Jayden can continue to keep this up in his teenage years. Always right in the middle of all the action.

Here's Ashlyn's other present from us. She outgrew the bike that we have at our house, so she picked out a new princess one. She looks way too old riding around on it. Of course its been horrible weather since she got it so so far all she can do it ride it around our house, but at least she is being safe!

Here they are decorating the birthday cupcakes.
We were all singing happy birthday ashlyn and Jayden got a little distracted. He did continue to kinda hum though, while eating all the sprinkles.
Make A Wish!!!!


Ammon said...

Happy Birthday, Ashlyn! We wish we were there to celebrate the fun!
Oh, and I see you used frosting on those cupcakes--I thought you didn't like icing?

The Hollemans said...

I dont really like frosting, but am not really in the mood for cupcakes anyways, so I think the kids liked them thats all that mattered.

the Pearce Place said...

you have a 5 year old? Now that sounds old, and that makes you old, wow! I guess I shouldn't say that, since I'm older than you :)
Very cute, I love the holding hands pictures
Happy birthday ashlyn!!!

dr. clint said...

Happy Birthday Ashlyn - I wish I could have been there for your enchanted evening :)

Angie said...

A movie with McDreamy = Great birthday party for Ashlyn and mommie!
Hugs, A