Sunday, January 13, 2008

Blog Catch Up

I havent really blogged for a while, so I guess now its time to catch up a little. This last month was really fun, and we are so thankful for the great holidays we had. Heres a few of the pictures weve taken since then.

I call this piece "Waiting for Daddy."

I really should have her try out for america next top model. I caught her posing for pictures in the mirror the other day, and not a day goes by that she doesn't think of a good picture for me to take.
Jayden has had a new fascination of water, so we let him go outside to play with the hose. We told them it was too cold to swim, so they could fill up the bucket and play with the hose. Well I guess that plan was foiled since they found a way to get all wet anyways.
Rylans new christmas present. An alphabet zoo.

Rylan has gotten his curiosity bone in. He crawls and climbs in and around everything. He pulls up on whatever he can find, but thankfully is a lot more sturdy now since the things he picks to pull upon are usually the most dangerous. Like moving drawers, and things like that.
He LOVES outside!!! If someone leaves the door open he books over to it and crawls outside. His face lights up when he sees the door open or is looking out the window.

1 comment:

Ammon said...

I can't believe how big the kids are! Cute pictures and cool swing set!