Sunday, March 2, 2008

In Case you were wondering

Rylan stuck in the bottom of the exersaucer. too funny.

At Ashlyn's dance class if you dance really well, you get to take Angelina Ballerina home for a week. Anshlyn has been dancing her best the last two months and it was finally her turn!!

So the update on Josh is that he has been officially diagnosed with what he thought he had. Meniers Disease. The ENT is working towards the surgery which would cut his nerve to his right ear, making him deaf in that ear, but it also would not send the information that makes him sick. The problem would be that it wouldnt stop the sodium fluctuation or buildup, and could then go to the next ear, or may not, its a bit of a gamble. They are giving him 3 months to get it under control, or they will do the surgery. But he has several leads and is upping the meds, and is eating very low sodium and no sugar diet. So if anyone wants to go on a sympathy diet for him hes eating less than 1000 mg of sodium a day and no sugar. He should lose a lot of weight, which for more people would be good, but not for him. Hes exhausted, maybe because of the new diet? Hes not allowed to drive which means he cant work at the fire dept for now. So hopefully all will be well, we have faith and know that there are many prayers for us. So thank you.

Other than that which is most of it right now, things are great. The kids are doing great, and Im tired, but doing well, so what else can ya need right?


Ammon said...

I love the top pic... it's too funny!

We are keeping you guys in our prayers. We love and miss you.

The Youngblood Family said...

I know I have said this before, but if you guys need anything please let us know. Ashlyn's hair looks super cute in the braids.

Anna said...

We are praying for you! Hope all is well.
I love it when babies get mobile, but can't quite control exactly where they end up. I have recently pulled Carter out of a lot of similar situations.