Monday, July 14, 2008


Well everyone, the day has finally come and Ty has made it!! Ty was born July 13th at 6:55 p.m. As you know from previous posts that I have been having contractions all weekend, and I was scheduled for and inducement Mon morning. Sat night I started having them get much stronger but they wouldnt come any closer than 10 minutes apart and when I got up they became very sparatic again. I was really afraid when I was really in labor I would never know. Around 2 or 3 they started kicking in again, very strong, but still 10 minutes apart, so I ignored them for awhile. At about 4:30 they started getting closer together and by the time we left for the hospital at 5:30 they were between 1 and a half and 3 and half minutes apart, and I figured even if they did stop I was only hours away from being induced so might as well go to the hospital. When I got there I told them I had fast labors and to get the doctor ready. When they checked me I was at an 8. We checked in at 5:55 and by 6:55 he was born. I pushed for a few minutes, but then his heart rate dropped so the doctor has to suction him and pull him out. I will say that was a horrible feeling since I didnt have an epidural, and I was in so much pain after that he gave me something for the pain. It was a life saver. I really think I would have gone into shock if it werent for that. But everything was fine with him and I feel pretty good. A little nervous, but good. So far he slept really well last night. Ashlyn came up and visited us in the hospital but Jayden when asked if he wanted to come to the hospital decided he wanted to stay and play with his cousin, because he could just see the baby when he comes home. And he saw him tonight when we got home. Rylan on the other hand is in for a serious shock when he wakes up in the morning to find a new little baby who isnt going anywhere.

As for those of you who are wondering what his official name is... Well were not telling, you can just call him Ty.

Heres me a little drugged up.

The proud big sister. She wanted to stay in the hospital all day!!


The Youngblood Family said...

He is soooo cute. You have a beautiful family. I am glad all is well and he is healthy. I really want to know the full name. Now you have me pondering at 10 o'clock at night. I will never go to sleep now. LOL.

the Pearce Place said...

I'm so happy for you--- I can't believe how tough you are, natural all the way :) That's hilarious Jayden didn't want to come to the hospital.
We're taking off to Minnesota tomorrow, I'll say hi for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - congratulations!!! I love your awesome pictures too! May God bless you and your new addition, Ty!

Jessa Smith said...

Congrats you beautiful, busy momma. You look radiant and Ty is a doll. So glad everyone's well.

Anonymous said...

WooHoo! Welcome, baby Ty! He's as beautiful as all your other babies! We missed Jayden in Sunbeams yesterday, and I was wondering if Ty was making his appearance. I'm so happy to hear that you and Ty are okay. Call me if you need anything! I'll give you some time to heal before I think of an excuse to go over to peek at him in person. I think he looks like Jayden in the carseat picture. Congrats and take care of yourself!

barterboutique said...

Wow! You are the amazing birthing wonder-drug free and FAST! Glad to hear mom and baby are doing well...even if we don't get to know his full name!

Natalie said...

Congratulations! He is adorable and you look great, Marie. Good work soldier. It will be fun to watch him grow up... even if it is only through pictures. :(

Anonymous said...

congrats marie! he is really cute. thank goodness you and baby are okay. what a scare.... i will call you to get the full scoop but i will let you rest for a bit. i wish i could hold him!!!


Angel said...

Congratulations, Marie! And, btw, Ashlyn is going to be a knockout! That sucks that you had to get suctioned. I'm so glad you didn't have to be induced, though. I heard that's awful and necessitates an epidural.

Jen said...

He's gorgeous! Congratulations on a job well done. If there's anything I can do to help just let me know.

Kristy Stoddard said...


I thought about calling you on Sunday to see if Ty was on his way. But figured if he was you would be in the hospital. So are you still going to make it to play group today? LOL Call me if you need anything.

Angie said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad he came before you were induced. I know you didn't want that. Sorry this one was tough but I am so impressed with you being so strong and impressed you waited so long to go in and did it all without an epidural! Ty is adorable! I can't wait to come visit when I get back into town next week! Take care of you and that beautiful baby. I'll call you tomorrow when you are a little more rested!

Hugs, A

Lynne Breland said...

Maddie and Dallin Bounds are at Nanny and Ahwah's house in South Carolina, but Mom sent them the blog address so they could see Ty's photos. Maddie says Ty is very cute and she thinks he is a good baby. They can't wait to see him when they return home.

The Seaman Family said...

Congrats, he is so cute! You have such a cute family!

Colette said...

Soooo cute! Sooooo Blessed -Congrats!!!