Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Utah part 2

Joan me and Jules!

So Im home now. My trip was amazing filled with fun, food and laughs. I was surprised how much I got done while I was there, I thought Id never have time to do it all, but I did, and then some. I got to see two of the girls that were in YW while I was a leader, now going to BYU. They are so much fun. We ate cafe rio and microwaved peanut butter m&ms. And talked. ALso I got to see my college roommate, Natalie, who I still love and ADORE, although I am glad to say we didnt end up as old maids with Llamas (we didnt want to be old cat ladies so we decided Llamas would be better. ) It feels as if there wazs no time at all since we last saw each other. And I also got to see three of cousins, who I havent seen in forever. Its so fun to see how everyone has grown up and had adorable kids. But most of all I enjoyed spending time with my family especially my brothers. They inspire me in ways no one else can. They make me feel more adventurous, daring, out going, and as if anything is possible. Sometimes being a stay at home mom you forget that the world is yours for the taking. And besides the surprising amount of sarcasm that I get when Im near them, I like the person I am when Im around them. They make me think, and dream and mostly we laugh. I never laugh that hard when Im not with them. I miss that.

Ty is such a great baby too. He was so much fun to be around, and to show off, although I missed my family I left at home too. They all survived with out me and I came home to an almost empty house. Moving day is coming up FAST!!
My mom anbd Ty
Natalie and me


lynette said...

sounds like you had a blast! i need to remember this "mommy getaway" tactic next time we move. that was brilliant!

Natalie said...

You are so sweet! Thanks again for lunch!! I still owe you for the pie I promised to pay for. Opps! My bad. You are awesome and I'm glad that we are still connected. I adore you too!!