Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Sunday Post: Newest Edition

Hey again everyone. Just a quick update on our week here. It was a good week, although I can't put my finger on why for sure, but I think we all were happy a lot and all I know is I remember this last week fondly. For all of you who were feeling sorry for my food situation, rest easy, I have weened Rylan and he is now exclusively on formula. I guess you can feel sorry for him now. I thought I would feel free, and relieved when I weened him, but really I feel a lot of guilt and feel like I should be provided something that Im not but to be honest I think I felt guilty for not eating well enough when I was nursing, so Im thinking maybe guilt is just a part of motherhood. He seems fine with it though, he had no worries switching over. So thats good.
We had our ward Halloween party last night. We went to our local resale shop and bought costumes there. We were prepared to run all over town for the perfect ones, but turned out the we found ones for all three of them averaging $5 each, at the first place we looked, so I cant complain. (Ashlyn's I picked up earlier) I do have pictures from last night, but I dont want to ruin the Halloween post, so youll just have to wait, but I will give you a hint. Ashlyn has three different halloween parties, school, church and actual halloween so she has three outfits planned, last night she was cinderella, then she will be "married ariel" and on Halloween she will be regular ariel -mermaid style. Jayden is Pablo from Backyardagains, (his costume was originaly $25 at Kohls, we got it for $6) and Rylan is a skunk, his costume says little stinker on the back!! When we put the costume on for the first time we were all laughing and smiling at him, he had just woken up but couldnt help but laigh back with all those people smiling at him. Hes really funny that way. He cant help but smile if he sees someone else smile, even if hes grumpy. Its hilarious. He'll smile and cry at the same time.
Other than that, not much news, hope all is well with you guys, and Ive loved all the comments, and hearing from all of you!!! Have a great week.



Natalie said...

I can't believe how fast Rylan is growing up! I can't wait to see their Halloween pictures. And don't worry about the guilt thing. Embrace it and move on...cause it's not going away that's for sure!! :)

Ammon said...

Hooray for you! So tell me, what did you eat first?

the Pearce Place said...

Great costume ideas, I can't wait to see the pictures for those. Maybe I"ll steal the skunk idea for Kacher, he's in need of a costume!!!